Over 4 million registered refugees and asylum seekers, 3.75 million Syrian citizens, nearly 320,000 people with international protection3 status, and asylum seekers from other countries all call Turkey home, ReliefWeb press release states.
Thirteen multicultural camps that serve as short-term housing facilities house some refugees.
In response, the Turkish government has given refugees temporary or international protection depending on the nationality, and after registering with the Presidency of Migration Management, has given them free access to services including education and health (PMM).
The Emergency Social Safety Net (ESSN) initiative was introduced in November 2016 to assist the government’s efforts and provide for the most vulnerable refugees outside of camps who were receiving temporary or international protection.
Beneficiary refugee households are given debit cards with monthly access to a set amount of money. Through the regular distribution of cash assistance to meet their essential needs, the Complementary ESSN (C-ESSN) project aims to raise the living standards of the most vulnerable refugees in Turkey who are granted Temporary and International Protection as well as those who have humanitarian residence permits and who are applying for international protection.
The Turkish Red Crescent (TRC), a co-applicant, and other key stakeholders will work together to implement the EU-funded program. All of these parties have a proven track record of providing humanitarian help to the most vulnerable refugees through a coordinated and methodical manner.
The C-ESSN project seeks to incorporate aliens with ID numbers beginning with 99 who are economically disadvantaged, have applications for temporary protection status, international protection status, and humanitarian residence permits. The Directorate General of Population and Citizenship Affairs (DGPC) and the Presidency of Migration Management assist the project’s implementation through the KIZILAYKART Platform (PMM).