Weekly Inflation in Russia Slows to Zero

Between June 23 and 29, inflation in Russia slowed to zero after remaining at 0.1% for two weeks, according to Federal Statistics Service (Rosstat).

Since the beginning of the year, consumer prices have risen by 2.6%, TASS writes.

In the reporting period, prices for chicken meat rose by 0.6%. A rise in prices for chicken meat by 2% or more was noted in 7 regions of Russia, in particular in the Lipetsk and Kirov regions (by 2.7%). In the Tyumen region (except for the autonomous districts that are part of it), price of chicken meat fell 1.4%.

Among other foodstuffs, prices for half-smoked sausage increased by 0.4%; prices of canned meat, wheat flour, polished rice, black tea, table salt, chocolate candies and caramel rose by 0.3%; prices for sausages, butter, margarine, buckwheat, rye bread and cookies grew by 0.2%.

At the same time, chicken eggs fell in price by 0.5%, frozen fish and canned meat for baby food fell in price by 0.2%, price of lamb and canned vegetables for baby food – by 0.1%.

The increase in prices for fruits and vegetables amounted to an average of 1.4%, in particular price of potatoes increased 3.9%, prices of apples rose by 3.2%. At the same time, prices of tomatoes and onions fell by 3.3%, price of cucumbers went down by 2.2%.

Among non-food essentials, prices for diapers for newborns, toilet soap and toothpaste increased by 0.2%; prices of household soap, toothbrushes and dry pet food – by 0.1%. At the same time, prices of baby diapers fell by 0.2%, toilet paper – by 0.1%.

Over the reporting period, price of outdoor vacuum cleaners went up by 0.8%, prices of foreign cars went up by 0.4%. The rise in prices for gasoline and diesel fuel amounted to 0.1%.

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