Russia Outraged by Japanese Accusations over Kuril Islands

Japan continues to put forward groundless accusations against Russia, the Russian Foreign Ministry said, commenting on the accusations of the “occupation” of the Kuril Islands by Moscow, the official representative of the department Maria Zakharova pointed out.

On August 15, official events were held in Tokyo to mark the Day of Remembrance of the Fallen in War and a prayer for peace.

Even the speeches of the Japanese leadership, timed to coincide with this, and they did not find words of remorse and recognition of responsibility for unleashing World War II,” Zakharova noted.

“We note with indignation that groundless accusations against the USSR and Russia continue to be expressed in Japan in the allegedly illegal nature of our country’s entry into the war, in violation of the Soviet-Japanese pact of neutrality “and” illegitimate occupation of the southern Kuriles,” the statement said.

The Russian Foreign Ministry recalled that an objective and only correct assessment of the events and results of World War II can be found in the Act of Japan’s surrender of September 2, 1945 and in the materials of the Tokyo and Khabarovsk trials.

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