Putin Said Russia is Not Following а Path of Militarizing Economy

The Russian Federation is on the last lines in the top ten in terms of investments in defense, ahead of the United States and even Japan, there is no militarization of the economy in Russia, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday at a meeting of the Victory organizing committee.

“At the same time, I would like to emphasize once again that we are not following the path of militarizing our economy. We have allocated 3 trillion 116 billion rubles for national defense this year. will be somewhere around $42 billion. A total of $42 billion. The United States is already spending over $770 billion,” Putin said.

“If in absolute terms, then Russia is somewhere in the top ten, and on the last lines in the top ten. Ahead is not only the United States, China, India, Saudi Arabia, all the leading European countries: Germany, France, Great Britain … well, even such countries like Japan, and even then a little more, but they still spend on national defense than Russia, despite the fact that they do not have something according to the constitution and the army. And they still spend more, he added.

But for Russia, he noted, spending is important in percentage terms.

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