All levels of power in the situation with coronavirus work rhythmically, in an organized and responsible manner, President Vladimir Putin asserted.
“The situation is under full control. Our whole society is united in front of a common threat,” the president said as he extended Easter greetings, RIA Novosti reported.
According to the head of state, Russia will worthily go through the trials sent – there are all the necessary resources and reserves for this.
“We use them – prudently, precisely, based on the current situation and, above all, to help people, those families who are now in a difficult situation,” Putin said, adding that the authorities, among other things, analyze the experience of other states in the struggle with an infection.
185 countries are affected by SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus (COVID-19). According to WHO, at least 2.1 million cases are registered in the world, over 146 thousand of them have died. At the same time, according to statistics from Johns Hopkins University, more than 2.3 million people have become infected, 160 thousand have died.
The largest number of victims – in the USA, Spain, Italy, France, Germany, and the UK. China, the initial epicenter of the outbreak, announced victory over the epidemic last month.
In Russia, 42,853 cases were detected. So far, 361 patients died and 3,291 were cured.