Oreshkin Says Foreign Investors Optimistic about Changes in Russian Economy

International companies are optimistic about the changes taking place in the Russian economy, positively assess the change of government and are ready to increase investment, said Adviser to the President of the Russian Federation Maxim Oreshkin in an interview with Russia 24 (VGTRK) following the results of the World Economic Forum in Davos.

“Their mood (foreign investors) is very positive (regarding what is happening in Russia),” Oreshkin said following the meeting of the Advisory Council on Foreign investment during the World Economic Forum held in Davos.

“Investors see the initiatives that have been laid down in recent years from the point of view of the business climate – Russia’s position is 28th (in the ranking of the World Bank), and we continue to move forward. Regulatory guillotine, removing barriers that exist in the Russian economy, changes in industry regulation – there are many stories that will be realized in the next couple of years and will make the conditions for doing business in Russia better,” Oreshkin added.

Oreshkin added that international companies that are “optimistic about the Russian situation” in the economy are ready to invest in it and develop new projects in Russia.

On January 21, the composition of the renewed government of the Russian Federation became known, then President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on the appointment of heads of ministries. The previous cabinet, led by former Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, resigned on January 15.

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