Health Official Says Most Russian Coronavirus Patients Have Blood Type A

Most of the coronavirus patients have blood type A, while those having blood type AB are the fewest, chief of Russia’s Federal Medical Biological Agency Veronika Skvortsova said on Friday, TASS reported.

“An interesting fact that was noted by foreign specialists and has been verified by the Agency’s centers. The overwhelming majority of those infected have blood type A,” she said at an online news conference organized by TASS. “Next are types O and B. And, indeed, the rarest is type AB.”

She noted however that it might be because type A is the most widespread among the population.

About one-half of coronavirus patients in Russia have no symptoms, the proportion of asymptomatic cases in Moscow is about 60%, Veronika Skvortsova noted. “The proportion of asymptomatic cases is very high: in Moscow, it accounts for 60% and in the country in general — almost one half, every second case,” she said.

“As for patients who experience mild symptoms of COVID-19 caused by the novel coronavirus, they can lack the necessary number of antibodies to form immunity to the disease,” Skvortsova noted. “It has been widely documented that people who recover from mild forms [of COVID-19] do not have enough antibodies in the concentrations needed to obtain real immunity.”

Skvortsova stressed that the number of patients with severe forms of the disease was not growing. “Fortunately, the number of cases that require additional oxygen and artificial lung ventilation is declining as well,” she noted.

COVID-19 incidence in Russia has stabilized by now, the official went on. “By now, the situation with the newly confirmed coronavirus cases is relatively stable as the daily growth has been around 10,500 recently,” she stated.

“However the recent month demonstrated that we already had such a period before the May Day holidays and if the number of people who, say, go out frequently, were as it had been a month ago, we would have seen the epidemic’s regression,” she said.

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