G20 Summit to Take Place November via Video Conference

The G20 summit, chaired by Saudi King Salman bin Abdel Aziz al Saud, will take place on November 21-22 in a video conference format, the G20 said in a joint statement Monday, as reported by TASS.

“The G20 leaders’ summit will be held virtually on November 21-22,” the statement says. “The summit will focus on protecting lives and restoring growth by addressing vulnerabilities uncovered during the pandemic and by laying down foundations for a better future.”

The statement underscored the role of the group in fighting the pandemic. Besides the $21 billion, invested in production and distribution of a vaccine and provision of access to medical treatment, the G20 countries have also allocated $11 trillion to support the global economy, it says.

Besides the coronavirus, the Summit will also focus on a number of other issues, including innovations.

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