S7 Technics CEO: Specific Niches Key to Growth in Russian MRO Market

Russian maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) holding S7 Technics is the country’s largest aircraft technical services provider. The CEO shared his insight on the industry’s future in an interview with ATO.ru.

“Obviously, the airframe maintenance business has come close to saturation, and therefore outstanding growth is unlikely. However, there may still be some organic growth in this segment, but it is still quite limited,” Perekrestov said. “Both base and line maintenance currently generates zero or negative profitability. The market definitely offers growth opportunities, but they mostly lie in specific niches with a high entry barrier, requiring a measured approach and tens of millions [of roubles] investments.”

Perekrestov also reminded that his company is planning to open a repair facility at Moscow’s Sheremetyevo International Airport.

“We’re now working on boosting our capacities whilst introducing new products and measures, the main one being the overhaul of CFM56 engines and the repair of auxiliary power units (APUs),” the CEO of S7 Technics said. “A year ago we signed an agreement for creating a repair facility for Honeywell-produced APUs, something which has previously never been attempted in Russia but we believe that now the time is ripe.”

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