Rosneft Deutschland Launched Jet Fuel Sales in Stuttgart Airport

Rosneft Deutschland GmbH, a Rosneft subsidiary, has started into-plane fuel supplies in Germany’s Stuttgart Airport, the Russian oil producer said on Thursday, TASS reported.

The company plans further increase in production and jet fuel sales in Germany and on the European market as a whole. Rosneft Deutschland clinched several deals for jet fuel sales since the beginning of its marketing operations in Germany in 2019, the company says, including the contract with Aeroflot for fuel supplies in Schonefeld Airport.

Each third scheduled passenger flight from Berlin is now refueled by Rosneft Deutschland, Rosneft says.

Rosneft is the third largest player on the German refining market and is the shareholder in three refineries (PCK – 54.17%; MiRO – 24%; and Bayernoil – 28.57%) with the total capacity of ownership shares equal to 12.8 mln tonnes per year.

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