The Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation said this week that it expects state support measures to further boost the production of berry crops, Fruit-Inform reported.
The estimated indicator for the 2020 season is 19 thousand tons. It is not a great rise (+1.6%), but ahead of the 2019 result. The growth is more noticeable in comparison with 2018 (+20%), the report says.
The department estimated the production volumes for all agricultural producers. Berry crops such as strawberries, currants, raspberries, gooseberries or blueberries were included in the database.
According to the Agriculture Ministry, berries are most produced on an industrial scale in Kabardino-Balkaria (2.5 thousand tons), Altai (2.2 thousand tons), Oryol (1.6 thousand tons), Moscow Region (1.5 thousand tons) and the Kuban (1.2 thousand tons).
Russia’s Deputy Agriculture minister Dzhambulat Khatuov said this week that the government aims for an increase in the production of all fruits and vegetables, and that the ministry will continue to provide comprehensive support to agricultural producers involved in the development of potato and vegetable growing.
“Despite the high production indicators of the past 2019, to ensure food security in Russia, it is necessary to carry out additional adjustments to the structure of sown areas, which will increase the production of all groups of vegetable products to 25% this year,” the official noted.