Kazakhstan boosts yield of potatoes by 12% in 2022

During the 2022 growing season, Kazakhstan saw a surge in the harvest of all sorts of vegetables. More specifically, there was an 11.9% rise in potato production. Kazakhstan is capable of supplying potatoes for both the home market and the markets of its neighbors, according to the country’s Minister of Agriculture, Inform KZ reported.

This year, there were 4.7 million tonnes of potatoes produced, up from 4.2 million tonnes. For all types of vegetables, there has been a rise in crop volume. The quality of this year’s crops is excellent, according to Agriculture Minister Yerbol Karashukeev.

The country’s agrarian department chief claims that domestic farmers are currently storing potatoes in vegetable storage.

“We will provide not only ourselves but also our neighbors with potatoes. Uzbekistan, Russia imports our potatoes. We are monitoring, we are making sure that our vegetables are enough for the domestic market. Now we have no doubts – there will be enough vegetables. The year was good. We will provide for everyone,” the minister noted.

The area of potato plantations was about 200 000 hectares in 2022, which is 2% greater than the previous year, according to the Bureau of National Statistics. The fresh crop was anticipated to be larger than the amounts of the year before, and the surplus was intended for export.

A number of decisions on the shipment of Kazakh commodities to Uzbekistan were taken towards the end of October 2022 as part of an agreement between Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan to increase commercial cooperation.

The parties specifically decided to export potatoes from Kazakhstan via specialized Uzbek enterprises. According to Kazakhstan’s Serik Zhumangarin, Minister of Trade and Integration, Kazakhstan is prepared to sell up to 500 000 tonnes of potatoes under favorable conditions.

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